Date: January 12th, 2013
Time: 13:00 -
Place: University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus I
College of Arts and Sciences Bldg.18, 4th Floor, Collaboration Room 2
Presenter: Ayat Hosseini (The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)
Presentation Title: Perceptual Correlates of Stress in Persian
Speaker: Tatsuyuki Mimura (Muroran Institute of Technology)
Talk Title: Compound Accent and Semantic Constraints: Examples from Initialism in Sandnes Norwegian
Speaker: Mark Irwin (Yamagata University)
Talk Title: Spatial Rendaku: Rendaku Across Dialects With Particular Reference to Yamagata
MARCH 2013
Date: March 16th and 17th, 2013
Time: 13:00 - (16th) and 9:30- (17th)
Place: University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus I
College of Arts and Sciences Bldg.18, 4th Floor, Collaboration Room 1
March 16th
Session 1: Talk (Moderator: Toshiyuki Tabata)
13:05-14:05: Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin University)
Talk Title: Representations, Computations and Interfaces
14:20-15:20: Nobuko Yoneda (Osaka University)
Talk Title: Nominal Tone in Herero: Tone Groups and Realizations
Session 2: Presentation (Moderator: Masao Okazaki)
15:50-16:30: Kan Sasaki (Sapporo Gakuin University)
Presentation Title: Devoicing of Copulas in Hasaki Dialect
16:40-17:20: Isao Ueda (Osaka University)
Presentation Title: Phonetic Similarity in Japanese Trademark Law--- A Preliminary Study of Transliterated Trademarks
March 17th
Session 3: Talk (Moderator: Isao Ueda)
9:30-10:30: Yuji Kuwamoto (Akita National College of Technology)
Talk Title: Crosslinguistic Consideration on /sC/ onset clusters
Session 4: Presentation (Moderator: Kan Sasaki)
10:50-11:30: Shin-ichi Tanaka (The University of Tokyo)
Presentation Title: Three problems on Rendaku and Lyman's Law
Session 5: Talk (Moderator: Shin-ichi Tanaka)
13:00-14:00: Hidenobu Heguri (Chukyo University)
Talk Title: Great Vowel Shift - on Developmental Process of ME /a:/
Session 6: Presentation (Moderator: Shin-ichi Tanaka)
14:20-15:00: Masao Okazaki (Ibaraki University)
Presentation Title: Imperfect Rhyme of Dickinson
15:10-15:50: Toshiyuki Tabata (Chiba University)
Presentation Title: On the Phonological Processes Avoiding Sequences of Light Syllables
MAY 2013
Date: May 18th, 2013
Time:13:00 -
Place: University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus I
College of Arts and Sciences Bldg.10, 3rd Floor, Room 301
Presenter: Daiki Hashimoto (The University of Tokyo, Graduate school of Arts and Sciences)
Presentation Title: Universal Principle of Truncation Mechanism
Speaker: Hidetoshi Shiraishi (Sapporo Gakuin University)�EBert Botma (Leiden University)
Talk Title: /e/-breaking in Nivkh
Speaker: Seiichiro Kikuchi (Tohoku University)
Talk Title: Diphthongs and Prosodic Templates in Spanish Diminutive Formation
JULY 2013
Date: July 20th, 2013
Time:13:00 -
Place: University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus I
College of Arts and Sciences Bldg.18, 1st Floor, Media Labo 2
Presenter: Naoya Watabe (The University of Tokyo, Graduate school of Arts and Sciences)
Presentation Title: Palatalization in Russian
Presenter: Jeroen Breteler (Utrecht University, Graduate school)
Presentation Title: Prosodically Governed Tone Assignment and Tone Fusion in Koshikijima Japanese
Date: September 14th, 2013
Time:13:00 -
Place: University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus I
College of Arts and Sciences Bldg.18, 4th Floor, Collaboration Room 1
Presenter: Ayako Hashimoto (Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University)
Presentation Title: Vowel Devoicing in Tohoku Dialects
Speaker: Haruo Kubozono (NINJAL)
Talk Title: Accent Change in Language Contact
Speaker: Tomoaki Takayama (Kanazawa University)
Talk Title: Rendaku and Voicing--Significance of Intralinguistic Perspective
October 2013
Date: October 19th, 2013
Time:13:00 -
Place: University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus I
College of Arts and Sciences Bldg.18, 4th Floor, Collaboration Room 4
Presenter: Gakuji Kumagai (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Graduate School)
Presentation Title: Vowel Epenthesis of Loanwords in Fijian: A Crosslinguistic Perspective
Presenter: Shin-ichiro Sano (Okayama Prefectural University), Shigeto Kawahara (Keio University)
Presentation Title: Testing rendaku experimentally: Rosen's Rule, (Strong) Lyman's Law and Identity Avoidance
December 2013
Date: December 8th, 2013
Time:13:00 -
Place: University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus I
College of Arts and Sciences Bldg.18, 4th Floor, Collaboration Room 4
Presenter: Natsuki Sato (The University of Tokyo, Graduate School)
Presentation Title: On frequency band regarding perception and identification of voiceless fricative in Japanese and German
Workshop: Considering "underlying representation"
Presenter: Clemens Poppe (The University of Tokyo, Graduate School)
Presentation Title: Unaccentedness and Deaccentuation in Japanese: Representational Issues
Presenter: Yuki Asahi (The University of Tokyo, Graduate School)
Presentation Title: Underlying Representations for Vowels in Mongolian
Presenter: Shin-ichi Tanaka (The University of Tokyo)
Presentation Title: Underspecification in Optimality Theory