
Pics from the conference

Pictures from the conference are now accessible through: Google Drive. Many thanks (again) for your participation.

Weather information

Summer in Tokyo is extremely hot and humid. It's more than often above 30C / 90F. Try to avoid dehydration, especially when you walk a long way during the daytime. Weather information in Japan can be found in: Accuweather.com Meanwhile, it is also the season of cicadas. Some of you might find their showering screech alien, but just google "cicadas" and "haiku" and you will find yourself wandering into the forest of Japanese poetry.

RRG-related links

The official RRG website is here (University at Buffalo), where you can download bibliography, dissertations, papers and more. Van Valin's article in Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis (2012) offers a brief overview of RRG.

Photo gallery

On the University of Tokyo campus, cherry blossoms were in full bloom early in April. They are now all gone--symbolizing evanescence of the earthly existence--but their fleeting zenith is worth snapshooting, which is showcased below. Enjoy.

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