August 1-3, 2017 Univ. of Tokyo, Komaba Campus |

News [Updated on Sep. 12]
Slides (in pdf format) of plenary talks and Pics from the conference added in the program page and the extra page, respectively. [Sep. 12]
Weather information and RRG-related links added in the extra page. [Jul. 26]
Student discount for banquet announced [Jul. 15]
We have introduced student discount for conference banquet. See registration page.
Abstracts of plenary lectures made accessible on-line [Jul. 15]
Additional information on local transportation released [Jul. 15]
Registration information released [Jul. 10]
Registration information is now available on the registration page. Advance registration for conference banquet is now open.
Abstracts made accessible on-line [Jul. 8]
Abstracts of paper and poster presentations are now available on-line on the program page.
Accommodation information released [Jul. 3]
Accommodation information is now available on the accommodation page. More information regarding trip from gateway airports (Narita International and Tokyo Haneda) will be provided soon.
Program and venue information released [Jul. 2]
We have accepted 24 paper presentations and 4 poster presentations. The program is now available on the program page. Also venue informationis now available.
Photo gallery of cherry blossoms on the University of Tokyo campuss has been added. Visit Extra section.
General Information
The biannual International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) will take place on August 1-3, 2017, at the Komaba Campus of the University of Tokyo, Japan. We are pleased to host plenary lectures by Profs. Andrej Malchukov (Johannes Gutenberg U., Mainz) and Mitsuaki Shimojo (SUNY Buffalo).
The 2017 Conference will deal with all aspects of functional linguistics. Papers dealing with further elaboration of RRG in areas like morphology, syntax, semantics, information structure, as well as language processing and language change are encouraged.
Call for papers
The Conference will have papers and a poster session. Each paper presentation will last twenty minutes, followed by another ten minutes for discussion. Abstracts must be received electronically by March 10, 2017 at the RRG 2017 Contact Address. They will be considered for presentation as a talk or as a poster; if an abstract is intended for consideration as a poster only, that should be indicated. Abstracts should be no longer than two pages, including data and references, and must be submitted as PDF documents. The abstracts should be anonymous. Submissions are limited to one single-authored and one-co-authored abstract or two co-authored abstracts. The email message must include the following information: author's name, affiliation, email address, and title of the abstract. Decisions on papers for presentation and posters will be sent out no later than May 1, 2017. More details will be provided on this web page.
Local organizing committee
- Yoshiki Mori (University of Tokyo)
- Naonori Nagaya (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
- Wataru Nakamura (Tohoku University)
- Toshio Ohori (University of Tokyo)
Program committee
- Delia Bentley (Univ. of Manchester)
- Daniel Everett (Bentley Univ.)
- Lilian Guerrero (National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico)
- Rolf Kailuweit (Univ. of Freiburg)
- Ricardo Mairal (National Univ. of Distance Education)
- Wataru Nakamura (Tohoku Univ.)
- Brian Nolan (Inst. of Technology, Blanchardstown)
- Toshio Ohori (Univ. of Tokyo)
- Robert Van Valin (Heinrich Heine Univ. & Univ. at Buffalo)
From January 2018, please contact:

2017.7.26 Weather information and RRG-related links added.
2017.7.15 Student discount for banquet / Abstracts of plenary lectures made accessible on-line / Additional information on local transportation released.
2017.7.10 Registration information released.
2017.7.8 Abstracts made accessible on-line.
2017.7.3 Accommodation information released.
2017.7.2 Program and venue information released.
2017.4.29 Interim report on selection released; gallery added.
2017.1.09 Call for papers released.
RRG 2017 is partly supported by:
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Department of Language and Information Sciences, The University of Tokyo